Managing Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Decentralising HIT and MCAS
Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of how your body works, exploring classical and quantum biology and its impact on your health and its connection to the environment around you?
While classical biological concepts have provided some answers in understanding chronic health conditions, many people are left managing their symptoms, often in a constant battle with their surroundings. This results in long-term use of medications, supplements, and elimination diets just to get through the day, months and years.
In my experience with many clients over the years, centralised treatments with antihistamines, supplements, and diets are not the long-term solution for Histamine Intolerance (HIT) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). There is another field of science that is often overlooked: quantum and circadian biology. Within this masterclass I take you on a deep dive into the centralised and decentralised mechanisms and interventions so that you gain a 360 degree view of how you can support your health.
"Functional medicine has become big pharma by prescribing supplements instead of medication and misses the core aspect of healing which is through quantum biology"
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​​Accessible in "micro learning" sections to prevent overwhelm and the need to concentrate for long periods of time. Sessions range from between 10 and 30 minutes long
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All content is available as a video, audio or text file to cater for participants who may have sensory sensitivities to screens and/or sounds.
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Portable and easily accessible:
All content is available through the Practice Better Portal which improves functionality and accessibility so that you can listen / watch on the go
All content is compatible for viewing on a computer, laptop, phone or iPad
The masterclass is suitable for both practitioners and the general public who love to learn
Course Content
Section 1: Learning the basics
What is HIT and MCAS
The new and improved histamine bucket concept
The low histamine diet
Part 1: Myth busting the low histamine diet​
Part 2: The sensible approach to the low histamine diet
Part 3: The reintroduction phase
Identifying environmental triggers
Digestion and the gut microbiome
Medications 101 (The good, bad, and ugly)
Supplements 101 (The good, bad, and ugly)
Section 2: Interventions
Light, water, and magnetism - An introduction to new concepts of healing
The circadian reset: Meal timings, sleep, and light
How to do an environmental detox
Supporting oral and nasal health
First aid for herxeimer reaction, histamine dumps, and MCAS flares
Piecing it all together: Full intervention roadmap
PRICE: £149.00 for lifetime access
Example Content
From the light, water & magnetism section
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Learn about quantum biology concepts
My name is Rachel Jessey
When working with individuals one-on-one, I blend naturopathic principles, nutritional science, circadian and quantum biology into a practical, holistic approach tailored to each person's life. I strive to combine complex scientific research with straightforward common sense to offer long-term, sustainable solutions for those seeking to restore their health and vitality. I believe in the body's inbuilt mechanisms, can resolve many issues on its own when provided with the right nutrients and conditions. The body cannot recover from chronic illness if you remain within the same set of environmental and lifestyle circumstances that made you sick and are likely keeping you sick...​