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Mould and Mycotoxins... the secret saboteurs of your health...

Fungus, Mould and Mycotoxins...

A major environmental toxin... 

Moulds, commonly found in water-damaged environments, produce harmful toxins known as mycotoxins. These are always present where mould grows, such as on damp surfaces like drywall, attics, insulation, and ventilation ducts. Even small amounts of mould in an air conditioner or ducts can lead to continuous exposure, causing health issues.

Exposure to moulds and mycotoxins is particularly hazardous for children and the elderly, but can effect any one at any age. When you smell something "musty," you're likely detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by moulds. Long-term exposure to moulds, mycotoxins, and VOCs can lead to serious health problems.

Mycotoxins are invisible, odourless, and tasteless, yet they pose a significant health threat. They can cause anything from acute toxicity to chronic issues like immune suppression and even cancer. Chronic exposure may weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and environmental irritants.

Water intrusion from leaks or flooding in homes or workplaces often leads to mould growth and subsequent mycotoxin production. This has been documented in various buildings, including homes, offices, hospitals, and schools. The impact of moulds and mycotoxins on human health has been recognised for centuries, with references even found in ancient texts like the Bible.

Signs that mould and mycotoxins may be affecting you:

  • Standard Lyme, EBV, MCAS, SIMO protocols have been ineffective

  • You may feel temporarily better with standard protocols but quickly relapse once treatment stops

  • You are super reactive to your environment and multiple foods 

  • You have seen countless health professionals and are not getting better

  • You are sensitive to certain supplements and medication

"By obsessively targeting bacteria and viruses, our current healthcare and hygiene systems are inadvertently creating the prefect environment for mould and fungus to take over."  

Image by Sandy Millar

  1. Toxin Removal:

    • The primary rule in toxicology is to remove the toxin from the patient or vice versa. Mycotoxins are difficult to eliminate due to their resilience, and testing is not standardised within the UK, and does require professional intervention.  In the UK I recommend Building Forensics or White Knight Service Group for air quality testing and remediation works.  HEPA filters are generally ineffective against mycotoxins, although activated carbon filters may help with mould spores, so filtering your air is recommended.

  2. Health Impacts of Mycotoxins:

    • Mycotoxins primarily target the brain, with significant toxic effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems, potentially leading to conditions like multiple sclerosis and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurological symptoms might include headaches, brain fog, and memory loss, among others.

  3. Environmental Control and Immune System Support:

    • At the same time as removing your exposure to mould and mycotoxins it is also important to avoid processed foods, artificial additives, heavy metals, and environmental toxins, while supporting the immune system with optimal nutrition, gut support, and specific nutrients like trace minerals, vitamin D3/K2, B vitamins, magnesium, omega-3s, and phospholipids.

General Interventions

If you think you have been effected by mould/mycotoxins


Remove the toxin, hire professionals to help you.  Minimise contact with EMF


Run blood IgG and IgE antibody testing to help detect if you are effected by mycotoxins


Commence anti-fungal interventions and clean up the diet


REDOX b4 DETOX Stabilise your cell membranes, support immune health.

Proudly partnered with myMycoLab

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Why Standard Protocols May Not Work

Everyone's immune system is unique. Standardised and popular functional medicine treatment protocols often fail because they don't account for individual differences.  Personalised treatment is key, as the same approach won’t work for everyone.

Debunking Common Myths You May Have Come Across 

  • Binders: There is no scientific evidence that binders effectively remove mycotoxins from the body, particularly from the brain or lungs. Many patients experience little improvement despite long-term use and may contribute to nutritional deficiencies.  There are also many brands of zeolite and charcoal that do no disclose their particle size, these types of binders are meant to stay within the gut and not absorbed which can be problematic.

  • Caution with Cholestyramine: Cholestyramine is often recommended for mould exposure, but it is not suitable for everyone. It can interfere with the absorption of various medications and is contraindicated in patients with conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, and more.

  • Genetic Testing: The idea that 25% of the population has a genetic defect making them more susceptible to mould is not supported by scientific evidence. There are no published studies, medical teachings, or organisations that back this claim.


Why I recommend REDOX before DETOX

Redox is short for reduction-oxidation reactions, which are chemical processes involving the transfer of electrons between molecules. These reactions are crucial for maintaining cellular health, managing oxidative stress, and ensuring that cells function properly.


A balanced redox state is essential for the body to effectively handle toxins during detoxification.


In essence, I work with my clients to help them improve their body's redox state which is a critical step to take before starting any "detoxification" program. This preparation helps the body to better manage and eliminate toxins, making the detox process more effective and less stressful for the system.

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Choose your level of support

Level 1.

Comprehensive NutriHealth

One off consult with basic protocol

Level 2.

OptimalNutri Health Package

Full 8 week guided and supported  protocol

Level 3.

Health Optimisation Programme

16 week guided and supported protocols

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